No one could have predicted that COVID -19 would have changed lives the way it has. In February 2021, we were able to welcome a quarter of our students back in the building for traditional school instruction and the remaining students were permitted to return to the building in April 2021.
Although all students were offered the opportunity to return to the building beginning in April, less than half of our students actually returned for traditional instruction. Due to the many students that opted to continue with remote learning, our teachers sustained with incorporating innovative strategies to meet the needs of our students.
Due to the dedication and persistence of our staff and students, we continued to meet school-wide performance goals. Our students maintained their focus on academic achievement throughout the school year and continued to earn credits towards graduation. In fact, our unofficial graduation rate for the Class of 2021 is 89.2%. This will surpass the district’s graduation rate for the last two consecutive years. Last year we surpassed the New York State graduation rate, and we look forward to topping this rate for consecutive years as well.
Our students continue to fulfill our expectations and our motto, “Demand More, Expect More and Achieve More!”
As we continued to work towards some level of normalcy, we were able to conduct two graduation ceremonies in the auditorium, obeying capacity regulations. In addition, each student was able to invite two guests to attend the ceremonies. I began my Principal’s address with, “What a day; What a year; What an accomplishment”. I believe that these were fitting words for all that our students have experienced over their four years of high school.
As we continue to build our school, we will be adding two additional Advanced Placement (AP) course offerings in September. These offerings will increase our AP courses to eight. We now will have:
- AP Language
- AP World History
- AP United States History
- AP Government and Politics • AP Biology
- AP Computer Science
- AP Environmental Science
- AP Literature
Our school continues to grow and forge an identity. It is hard to believe that three short years ago, we did not offer any Advanced Placement courses. Providing our students the opportunity to take these challenging courses will allow our students to be enrolled in college-level courses and earn college credits while in high school.
We will be welcoming nearly 120 incoming Freshmen to our school as we continue to increase student enrollment and our school becomes a destination for students throughout the City of Buffalo. Our student enrollment will be nearly 400 as we resume our pursuit of having 700 students enrolled.
We are excited to share that 48 of the nearly 120 incoming Freshman will be enrolled in our P-TECH program. I have been communicating for three years that we have been working on this program and we are finally ready to implement this tremendous opportunity to our students! The P-TECH program integrates high school and college coursework, enabling students to begin college courses while in high school. Students also participate in a range of workplace opportunities that include mentor- ing, site visits and paid internships, which are designed to support students’ academic and professional growth.
On behalf of our faculty, staff, and students, I would like to thank the Bennett Alumni Association for their continued support!
Optima Futura! The Best is Yet to Be
Article Headlines
- Bennett’s Centennial Celebration Stories
- News From Our Second Vice-President
- Working Committees of the Bennett Alumni Association, Inc. Showing Our Blue and Orange
- ALL Bennett Reunion
- Class Notes
- We’re Creating Incentives: Redesign Update!
- In Memoriam
- Remembering Mme. Aboussir
- Byron Vickery Swim Teacher
- Class of 1970 Reunion Delayed
- The History of Bennett High School
- 2021 Major Alumni Donors
- BPS Gets High Marks for ‘Acceleration’ Approach
- Mission Statement
- Caveat Emptor… not every website that calls itself “Ben- nett Alumni” is a not- for-profit!
- 2021 Scholarship Recipients
- Boys Basketball Champions
- Alumni Honor Roll Candidates Announced