Robert Malecki was 1st team All High at right guard in football in 1992 and 1993 and second team All High in 1994. He was captain of the football team his junior and senior years, selected to play in the North South All Star Classic Football game and started all four years at Bennett. He was also a mainstay in track and field from 1992-1994. He starred as a shot putter and a runner in the 100 yard dash and 400 meter relay.
During his senior year at Bennett he dislocated his shoulder two weeks before the season began and played only a total of three games that year. . He still made second team All High as a line backer. This was an incredible feat considering that he missed more than half the season.
Malecki had several offers offers to play in college. Unfortunately, any dreams of attaining a scholarship were moot after missing most of his senior year and not being able to showcase his talents.
After high school he worked as a machinist for sixteen years. For the last four years he has worked as a plumber. He also coaches the Town of Tonawanda Football Peewees and the softball T Ball teams. He has been happily married for seven years to his wife Kimberly.
He said, “I will always treasure the many friends that I made at Bennett, many of whom I still keep in contact with.”