William “Bill” Truckenbrod
Bill Truckenbrod was a four time All-High swimmer at Bennett in 1949 and 1950. His specialty was the 100 yard freestyle, gaining All High honors in that event plus the 160 yard free relay in both years.The Tigers were the Syracuse Cup champions in 1950.
Truckenbrod was Class Historian of the senior class in 1949, and attended the University of Michigan in 1951 and 1952. His college education was interrupted by the Korean War, when he decided to enlisted in the U.S.Navy and later became a night jet fighter pilot aboard the aircraft carrier USS Kearsarge. After his military discharge in 1957, Truckenbrod continued his college education Renssalaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, NY. Truckenbrod graduated with a degree in Building Construction in 1959 and joined the family construction business. He is married with 5 grown daughters, one of whom (Krista ) was also an All High swimmer at Bennett 30 years after her dad in 1979.