by Jeff | Feb 17, 2023
Valerie was another year round three sport athlete at Bennett. Val ran Cross Country in the fall for three years, swam the backstroke on the Swim team for four years and a four year Tennis player in the spring. The last three years of Tennis Valerie was team captain and girls MVP at the 1st singles position. She was also an All-High Tennis selection in her senior year. Valerie’s leadership is evident as she also became team captain on her Cross Country and Swimming teams.
Aside from all this activity and success in athletics, Valerie found time to become involved with the International Club, AFS, Math Team, Harbinger, and yearbook staff. Valerie was also a member of the National Honor Society and Salutatorian of her class. Perhaps her greatest achievement in high school was her award at graduation for 4 years of perfect attendance.
Valerie is a graduate of Elmira College. Now married, she works as a message therapist in her home town of Canton, Georgia.
by Jeff | Feb 17, 2023
Frank was a two sport athlete all four of his years at Bennett. He earned major varsity letters in Cross Country and Track. His All-High accomplishments include the 880 yard freshman relay in track, and two top 5 finishes in All-High Cross country meets in his Junior and senior years. Frank finished 5th overall in his junior season, and 2nd place in the entire city as a senior. Frank was also selected as the male “Athlete of the Year” in 1959. Always active in running, his sport of choice, Frank was President of the “ Bennett Track Club”, and founded the “Varsity Club” at Bennett. After high school Frank was designated a “Paul Harris Fellow” by Rotary International. Frank also was active in “Matthewson – McCarthy” baseball and the Rotary Club.
Frank went on to graduate in Law School, and is now a Lawyer locally with offices in Williamsville specializing in Real Estate. Frank has presented seminars to other Lawyers on Real Estate.
Today, Frank and his wife Judy reside in Williamsville, and are the proud parents of 3 children ( Cynthia, Thomas, and Theodore ) and 5 grandchildren.